Information on the Turkic ethnoses in Kazakhstan. Photo and video materials
Turkic ethnic communities, residing in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan, since independence, had unfavorable starting conditions (the status of the raw economic appendage, the threat of destabilization of the ethnic sphere on a background of significant damage incurred by the titular ethnic group and its language and culture as a whole during the period of the totalitarian system, a number of negative phenomena in the social sphere common all post-Soviet countries during the crisis). Since 1991, Kazakhstan has managed not only to preserve its statehood, but also to achieve a number of impressive successes in economic development, consolidation of the civil and religious ethnically heterogeneous society, as well as in foreign policy - both in its relations with its immediate neighbors, as well as in global politics.Since 1991, Kazakhstan has managed not only to preserve its statehood, but also to achieve a number of impressive successes in economic development, consolidation of the civil and religious ethnically heterogeneous society, as well as in foreign policy - both in its relations with its immediate neighbors, as well as in global politics.
Features mentality of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan, combined with a sound public policy, allowed to form a specific culture of non-conflict behavior in a heterogeneous society. As a result, the cultural and linguistic diversity in independent Kazakhstan was not a factor stratification and disintegration of society, but on the contrary, its enrichment and successful sustainable development. Read more...
Features mentality of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan, combined with a sound public policy, allowed to form a specific culture of non-conflict behavior in a heterogeneous society. As a result, the cultural and linguistic diversity in independent Kazakhstan was not a factor stratification and disintegration of society, but on the contrary, its enrichment and successful sustainable development. Read more...